Equinox Module Positions Array Imprimir Array
Sábado 31 de Marzo de 2007 19:18

Equinox has been constructed with an assortment of 12 module positions. Most of these module positions are fully collapsible meaning that if there are no modules published in a particular area, that module area will not be shown. This provides you with the maximum amount of flexibility possible.

The Equinox template is designed to allow you the best possible flexibility with your site's layout. By publishing and unpublishing modules in various available module positions, you can set your template up in single column, 2 column, and 3 column configurations. This, along with a variety of central module positions allow you to create a layout and design that is all your own.

Última actualización el Sábado 29 de Septiembre de 2007 21:02